Case Study
Kelly Moir,
Sustainability & Digital Impact Director, BT
What’s your role?
I'm the Director of Sustainability and Digital Impact at BT. I help businesses reach their net zero goals. It means managing lots of different stakeholder interests, and understanding their broad range of needs and sustainability challenges in an ever changing economy and macro landscape.
What was going on for you with your work that inspired you to join the programme?
I’d just moved into a new role and knew that I needed to lead people to tackle really complex challenges, and I wanted to show up and be my best.
How were you feeling at the outset?
I was really hesitant about whether I had the right skills and tools to lead people and convince people to take action. One of my big challenges was feeling comfortable talking in public. I felt like I didn't know enough to solve these huge sustainability challenges.
How are you feeling now?
I'm feeling really positive. I've got a greater confidence. I feel that I have a clear sense of purpose. And I can anchor myself on that purpose to navigate challenges that come my way. Claire has really helped me to find that really strong foundation that helps me move forward everyday.
Any examples of what's tangibly different for you?
I worked on the saboteurs that stopped me from public speaking. It was such a fear for me. The programme unblocked and brought down those barriers so I was able to do a great speaking slot at a conference. I was really proud of myself. I spoke from the heart and articulated my message in a way that was truly authentic.
What's your biggest takeaway?
That you can never have all the answers. The way we're going to solve climate challenges is through a positive mindset and being clear on our purpose. I feel so confident and clear now, I’m happier, I know a way forward. The approach I can take for the challenges ahead.
Any last thoughts?
If I hadn't been for the programme, I think I’d still be feeling overwhelmed and frustrated and negative about how to solve climate challenges
I would recommend anybody in sustainability to join this programme. If we are to solve sustainability and climate we need to show up and do our best and this brought out how I want to show up.
It was just kind of quite astonishing for me that the things we worked on were just so relevant. It was like “oh my gosh, you're like a mind reader”. So, yeah, I would say that all of that the content and the coaching sessions are all just really spot on for me.